Sunday, April 02, 2006

No more crutches!

I saw the surgeon on Friday and he was pleased with the progress that I've been making. He took a look at my x-rays, tugged on my leg to check the strength of the new graft, checked my range of motion and how my quad strength is recovering. Based on what he saw, he said I could ditch my crutches as I could tolerate it and even ditch my leg brace as I felt comfortable with it.

Well, I didn't need much more permission than that. As soon as I got out to the car, I put my crutches in the back seat and I haven't felt like I needed to pick them up since! When I got home, I took off my brace just to see how long I felt I could go before I felt like I needed it. I haven't put that back on for two days either...

The doctor also told me to let my physical therapist know that he didn't have to worry about any weight-bearing restrictions any more and that he could "go ahead and torment me to the extent necessary." I was actually happy to hear this because (as anyone who has been reading my blog knows) I have been somewhat impatient with the pace of my progress so far. So now, I'm hoping that things will start to go a little more quickly.

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